

Solutions4Water Kick-off: developing products with WTT and Design Thinking

05.05.2022, Existenzgründung

4th and 5th May 2022 in Gommern. The first workshop for the POF4 platform project “Solutions4Water” with the goal of generating ideas for products for science based sustainable water management was a success.
UFZ experts from the departments ASAM, SEEFO, SUSOZ and FLOEK worked together and developed several ideas for products and solutions for the Platform Project embedded in TB2. “Safe water in sufficient quantity and quality for ecosystems and humans” -the TB mission- served as the guiding light for all thoughts and endeavors during the 2 days.  With expertise in the Design Thinking method, WTT facilitated the kick-off meeting and helped participants understand the importance of the user and the user need and developing products that are technically viable, monetarily feasible and above all desirable.
Workshop participants received a hands-on, activity-based experience of problem-solving and solution-finding using the Design Thinking process, thus equipping them with tools and methods for developing innovative and workable solutions in their own areas of research.
Even ideas for possible projects for the new UFZ internal funding programme transfun managed by WTT were developed and discussed.

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