Abschluss | Studienform | Studiendauer | Studienbeginn | Zulassung | Sprache |
Master of Science | Vollzeit | 4 Semester | Wintersemester | frei | Englisch |
An English Master Program in a Field of the Future
Polymer Materials Science is an interdisciplinary Master Program in the field of polymer science in collaboration of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg. You will obtain a multifaceted education in one of the central industrial growth sectors. Nowadays, polymer research is performed as a multidisciplinary collaboration among physicists, chemists, and engineers, seeking new knowledge on making, characterizing, processing, and understanding the molecular basis of novel functional materials.
Content of the program

Characteristic and aims
Polymer Materials Science is an interdisciplinary Master Program in the field of polymer science in collaboration of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg. You will obtain a multifaceted education in one of the central industrial growth sectors. Nowadays, polymer research is performed as a multidisciplinary collaboration among physicists, chemists, and engineers, seeking new knowledge on making, characterizing, processing, and understanding the molecular basis of novel functional materials. Our Course Program is research-oriented and offers a polymer-synthetic or a polymer-physical and engineering specialization, and thus qualifies for work in industry as well as advanced training on the PhD level.
MLU, Faculty of Natural Sciences II – Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
The Faculty, with its two Institutes of Chemistry and Physics, is prominently oriented towards research in the broad area of condensed matter and materials science. About one quarter of the 30 professorships and research groups work in the area of macromolecular science and soft matter. Synthetic polymers are the main topic of the Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics Groups, the Macromolecular Chemistry Group and the Physical Chemistry of Polymers Group as well Polymer Reaction Engineering and Micro- and Nanostructure based Polymer Composites Groups. Several other groups at the Max Planck and Fraunhofer Institutes and the Life-Science Faculties, have activities in the polymer field and are actively contributing to the teaching provided within the Master Program.
University of Applied Science Merseburg - Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences
The department is focused on engineering and application-oriented teaching and research. This covers the fields of polymer sciences and plastics engineering as well as machine construction/mechatronics and chemical/environmental engineering. The close connection with the Kunststoff-Kompetenz-zentrum Halle-Merseburg (KKZ) and the proximity to industrial problems as well as practical applications of polymer materials offer the students application oriented research topics, for example for their master thesis.
Contact Uni Halle
Dr. rer. nat. Karsten Busse
Institut für Chemie
Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4
Raum: E.16.0
06120 Halle (Saale)
Telefon: 0345 55-25802 E-Mail: polymat@natfak2.uni-halle.de
More Information
Career opportunities
The Master Course qualifies for the following job opportunities: basic polymer research in chemical industry, applied research and development in plastics-producing and -processing industry, teaching at university, leading positions in industry and administration.